Doctoral Thesis

- Thesis in progress: Pedro González de Mendoza: inquietudes artísticas de un intelectual en época de los Reyes Católicos, by Cristina Castro Jara, directed by Dr. Olga PÉREZ MONZÓN.

- Orando en Soledad. El salterio en la devoción "femenina" de la Baja Edad Media, registered by Mrs. María Jesús López Montilla in the Faculty of Geography and History of the Complutense University of Madrid. Directed by Dr. Olga PÉREZ MONZÓN. Defended on April 4, 2022, obtaining the final score of: Outstanding "cum laude", unanimously.
El Mercado de Arte entre Flandes y Castilla durante el reinado de Isabel La Católica (1474-1504). Rutas, mercaderes, clientes y obras, registered by Mr. Iban Redondo Pares in the Faculty of Geography and History of the Complutense University of Madrid. Directed by Doctors Olga PÉREZ MONZÓN and Matilde MIQUEL JUAN. Defended on June 26, 2019, obtaining the final score of: Outstanding "cum laude", unanimously.
La transmisión del saber técnico en los arquitectos de la Corona de Aragón entre 1392 y 1506, registered by Mr. Víctor López in the Faculty of Geography and History of the Complutense University of Madrid. Directed by Doctors Matilde MIQUEL JUAN and Olga PÉREZ MONZÓN. Defended on April 5, 2018, obtaining the final score: Outstanding cum laude, unanimously.
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