We present the monograph La copia y sus usos en la pintura tardogótica. Tiempo, memoria e identidad (The copy and its uses in late Gothic painting. Time, memory and identity) result of our interest in the phenomenon of copying in the late medieval period that attempts to explain from a multiple and interdisciplinary perspective the reason for...
We present in Open Access the book Politics, art and persuasion in 15th century Castile (Ed. Trea), by Matilde Miquel Juan and Olga Pérez Monzón, with the collaboration of the Cultural Heritage Institute of Spain and the S.I. Primate Cathedral of Toledo.
On November 14, 2022, at 12:00 p.m., in the Germán Bernácer room of the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism (UCM), Dr. Ibán Redondo Parés will give the conference. Merchant brands in Castile and Europe XV-XVI centuries. Dr. Redondo Parés has recently defended his doctoral thesis and curated an exhibition at the Medina del Campo Fair Museum on merchants...
Homo Viator. Artistic expressions and round trip itineraries. Tribute to Juan Carlos Ruiz Souza
IX Congreso Ciencia y arte
The contributions of scientific research, developed throughout the world for the conservation and restoration of cultural assets, are being recognized, and today, there is no doubt for any conservation center on an international scale the need to create, support and develop the presence of groups of experts in scientific and technical areas for the...
II Jimena Seminary
Seminario de Investigación del Grupo "Arquitectura e integración de las artes en la Edad Media".
Market routes, art routes
Los estudios de la pintura gótica valenciana continúan siendo uno de los temas más intrigantes de la historia del arte de la Corona de Aragón. Particularmente, resulta interesante el momento de superación del italogótico y la gestación y consolidación del llamado Gótico Internacional. De hecho, una de las partes más sugestivas para la comprensión...
Social Sciences and Humanities Area
Texts and Images © Cortes Tardogóticas / Authors